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T e x a s   A & M   U n i v e r s i t y 
E N E R G Y   R E S E A R C H    S O C I E T Y 
Advocating and promoting student researchers in energy through education


Our aim is to represent all students and researchers in field of energy and provide them with a platform to develop and improve their training; encourage and strengthen their research and provide opportunities for social interaction.

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   - Check out the upcoming Case Competition Here!


2 0 21   T E X A S   A & M  C O N F E R E N C E   O N   E N E R G Y


Three-day conference that features oral presentations, poster presentations, and plenary lectures, all with strong participation from industry and government.

Watch a Video Interview Series with Texas A&M Energy Institute Affiliated Faculty Members highlighting multi-disciplinary energy research conducted at Texas A&M University

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